I was so tired yesterday I hadn't had lust going out. My girl went with friends in Koprivnica. I thought I would go very early in bett but it turn out I couldn't sleep . So, I watched TV , listen my favourite medium- radio. Yep, it's my favourite medium. Not web :-)
But radio programme was yesterday just boring. Now, I feel exhausted and tired. My girl just send me SMS on mobile phone to see how I am doing. Well, It seems I am playing with TypePad. It seems I should get another turkish coffe. Or Nescafe. No, turkish taste better. Yesterday one customer in our local restaurant requested Nescaffe ( xy taste, flavour) and waiter told: "we don't serve it ". I said to her:"Take a pen and make note to buy Nes, you should have it next time when someone asks, and say to customer that next time you'll have it ". It's service. Customers have allways right.