I made decision. I won't subscribe for TypePad Pro I tested last month. It doesn't serve my needs at this moment. I feel I don't need it.
Yes, TypePad is great easy-to-use, very powerfull, smart blog tool. I will continue to write my original blog at blogger.com but certanly I am not satisfied with blogger as blog tool. Probably I'll switch to MovableType personal edition in the future.
Should I say something about TypePad? Well, I have my theory but don't know is it important to discuss right here.
Ok, I'll do it. At the beginnig there was email. Suddenly, people realised how easy, quick, cheap they can communicate. Instant communication. Somebody offered web based emails. Just sign up and communicate. Then someone offered desktop email tool with ability of syncronization of mails. For example: how many features we have in MS Outlook or Eudora?
We don't pay for it as stand-alone service. Do we ?
At the beginning there was weblog. Suddenly , people realised how easy, quick, cheap ,with little techno knowledge they can publish their thoughts have their voice heard, have opportunity to build digital identity , collaborate, communicate, share.
All that on the web. With ability to post pictures from their mobile phones , to syndicate content etc.
So, should we pay for it as stand alone service ? Yes, service providers have costs when they host user's blogs with pictures, multimedia content.
There are allways people who will be willing to pay for that pleasure with quality service providers.
But, folks, stand-alone service ? Seriously ? I allways thought weblog/moblog tool should be offered as bundled service. Internet Service Providers or Web Hosting firms could offer it to their customers for example.
And what amaze me more this days is the fact that today's blogosphere , at least when we consider blogging tools, gets more fragmented and segmetation is under way. Light bloggers and hardcore bloggers . Every with their own needs for blogging. Six Apart makes publishing applications most suitable to hardcore bloggers, techo-savy, with lots of experiance in blogosphere, passionate about weblog as medium ( sometimes way to much overhyped ).
I can see their publishing systems are sold to institutions, companies, etc. That's certanly way to make some money not just because thay are funded with VC money.
But is it true that Six Apart is becoming "new Apple" ?
A great tools for techno elite as their main products ?
But, hey, they just offered personal publishing tool for masses, with easy set up, easy customization, web hosting ,lots of features ? How can they be techno elitist ? Confusing, I know.
I think I should stop exploring my thoughts regarding TypePad. Only the time will tell right answers. Users, too. I wish all the best to folks at Six Apart.
They should be making some money out of TypePad for all that efforts in enhancing blogging experience.
And me ? This blog ZecHocusPocus will be shut down in few days. So, this is my last post here. All my blogging will reside at http://zecina.blogspot.com. and it is written in my native croatian language. I still don't know when and how, or even at all, I 'll set up new blog which will be written in english .
I don't know.
Thanks to all of you who read my blog during this beta testing.
Best regards !
UPDATED , AUGUST 15th 2003 :
The Economist article about weblog commmercialization

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